The report is based on figures from the 2021 Statistics Norway's Home Care Service Survey of all Norwegian municipalities.
The results show that about half of all the home care service enterprises were co-located dwellings or community dwellings with an associated staff base, which makes this the most common type of enterprise. The results also show that a majority of the enterprises were targeted to people with intellectual disabilities, and that co-located dwellings in particular were largely aimed at this group. Ambulatory home care enterprises, which was the second most common type of enterprise, were rarely aimed towards a specific target group. The same is true for the small number of enterprises offering user-controlled personal assistance.
Another result is that the largest municipalities had a more specialized home care service in terms of types of enterprises and target groups, compared to small municipalities. The home care service enterprises in municipalities with fewer than 5 000 residents, which is half of Norwegian municipalities, were generally a mix of multiple enterprise types and aimed at multiple target groups.
The report can, among other things, be used to support the ongoing work with subdividing KOSTRA-function 254 "Nursing and care services, home-based". The function, which includes municipal expenses to home care services, is too large and complex to allow comparisons between municipalities, or to give municipalities and other decision makers useful information. The data from the survey can be used in conjunction with other data sources such as Statistics Norway's employment register and Kommunalt pasient- og brukerregister (KPR) in order to give more and improved information about the personnel and the users in the Norwegian home care service.